Thursday, May 31, 2012

Project Tomorrow Proposal

Last night in class while Dr. Shutkin was explaining this project I was very overwhelmed.  All the wheels in my head were spinning and I really had no clue what I was going to propose.  The only thing I did know is I wanted to connect it to physical education.  From my experience in pre-student teaching technology is everywhere but not utilized in the physical education classroom. 
At Fairview, the bell would ring and students would begin to come in and would almost always have a phone, laptop, or Ipod in their hands.  They would immediately ask what we would be doing in class today and make their way to the locker room.  As soon as they came out of the locker room they were expected NOT to have a phone, laptop, or Ipod with them.  Then the class would begin.  One thing did shock me during my time at Fairview.  One day three or four girls decided to sit out of P.E. because they had a softball game that afternoon.  Those girls sat on the  bleachers and pulled out their phones and for the whole class period they were on their phones.  I think back on that day now and what a missed opportunity!  Have them do a mini research project using the phones.  Give them a current issue in health and wellness to research with the phone or laptop and have them present what they find at the end of class. 
Another thing I observed throughout my time at Fairview was the students behaviors and attitudes during class.  I did not make the connection until this morning but last night we talked about students having to "power down" when they are in school and they were not just referring to turning off their phone.  I observed students being lazy and not wanting to participate in the physical education class.  I reflect on my pre-student teaching experience now and the students were not being challenged and/or engaged enough.
Last night I read the document Speak Up 2009, and I came away with some valuable ideas.  Students are talking to each other about school work both in school and outside of school.  This communication is either in person or online.  Also in the study 85% of students grade 9-12 have access to an Ipod.  There are so many ways to positively utilize an Ipod in a physical education class.  Also 70% of students grade 9-12 said they would use an electronic device in class to look up information on the Internet.  Last night in class we  talked about showing a video when you want to learn a new skill.  In a P.E. class I could show a video that explains and demonstrates the skill or game we will be learning in class.  It could be a video I make or a video I find on You Tube.  Last, students of all ages value playing games as a way of learning.  I think there must be a way to integrate technology into physical education in order to provide a high quality experience for the student. 
For my digital story I am going to explore how to implement technology into a physical education class and how that technology can impact the students experience in the class.  I also want to explore the impact technology would have on my own teaching style.  I think I will use Prezi, I have never used it before.  Also, within Prezi, I will try to implement other technologies like videos and music.   

Creating Our Future:  Students Speak Up about their Vision for 21st Century Learning.  Speak Up 2009.  National Findings.  K-12 Students & Parents.  March 2010.  (Retrieved: 3 June 2010).
This source had information that directly reflects how students, parents, and teachers feel about technology inside the classroom.  The document also offers a variety of ideas on how to use technology in the classroom.

2. Bartnett, L. Physical Education and Technology. [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from
This PowerPoint did a great job of illustrating the link between technology and physical education and the benefits it produces.

3. Prensky, M. (2008) Turning On the Lights. Educational Leadership. 65 (6) 40-45
This article helped me to make the connection to why my students at Fairview were so disengaged in the physical education class. 

4. Crawford, S. (2008).  Physical Education and Technology Study. [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Web 2.0 Apps

For my website I have chosen the following four apps.  I am hoping all goes well with each app and I do not have to switch:-) 

Jotlet-I will be using this app for a class calender that will be posted monthly on my website.  This will enable parents and students to follow the progression of the class through out the school year.  I previously used Instatcal and it was not very user friendly, at least for me. 

Dropbox- As I said in my previous blog, traditionally it physical education there are not many homework assignments.  In my class though, I will have some kind of final project and instead of students bringing piles of paper to me I would rather collect the projects electronically. 

Gmail- In order for students and parents to contact me I will be using Gmail.  I already have an account and it was simple for me to set up.

StudyHall- I want to use this app so students can engage and exchange ideas with one another.  One component of my website is I want to post healthy recipes or ideas for physical activity.  This way students can read and post some of their ideas or modifications. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weblog 3 The Classroom Website

Within my content area, physical education, the emphasis has not been placed on creating a terrific website but to engage students to be physically active.  I do believe that having a high quality website can help to facilitate a successful physical education curriculum.  I would want my website to be very user friendly and have information that valuable.  For me personally, it is so frustrating when a website is not user friendly and if I cannot navigate my way through I will give up and try to find another source of information.

I am doing my student teaching at Horace Mann Elementary in Lakewood and at Fairview Park High School.  Both of my cooperating teachers have a website.  At the high school the physical education curriculum is posted and he also has a blog. In the blog he posts forms and other papers relative to the physical education class.  At the elementary school the website is the same, he also has links to websites that encourage physical activity like the NFL Play 60.  This website encourages young people to be physically active for 60 minutes a day.  He also did a website that explains the new grading standards that will be implemented next year for physical education.   

Within my website I would like to have a variety of features that will help to facilitate the learning process and make physical education a valuable experience.  A calender is the first thing that comes to mind.  I want the students to see the unit plan and what we will be doing each day.  In class we talked about a drop box, where students could drop assignments electronically.  While there is very little "homework" in PE, this would be essential to have.  Students don't always bring their school related materials to the gym and this way I am not collecting a bunch of papers.  I also like the idea of a communication or email system.  If a parent or student has a question they can email me through the website and I can answer them.  A grade book will be available as well, the high school posts grades on a weekly basis.  Each week there are 50 points possible.  At the elementary school, he did not do weekly grades.  I also like the idea of linking the website to some kind of discussion board.  I would like to somehow have Pinterst involved.  If there is something on the site you like, pin it.  I also thought of incorporating an overall theme of wellness.  I want to post recipes, exercise ideas, and games.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thoughts and Reflections about TPCK

I had never heard the term "wicked problem" before.  After reading the definition it seems we as educators encounter "wicked problems" everyday.  Part of my pre-student teaching was at Fairview Park High School and I was completely amazed at how different high school kids were compared to the elementary kids.  I was mainly observing during my pre-student teaching but I did get a glimpse of the possible "wicked problems" I may encounter in the fall. 
The other idea I could relate to is the sentence on page 4 that says "Teachers practice in a highly complex and dynamic environment that asks them to integrate knowledge of student thinking and learning, knowledge of the subject matter, and increasingly, knowledge of technology."  I immediately thought of my experience at Fairview, technology was not integrated into the physical education curriculum every day but we dealt with it everyday.  Students constantly had their smart phones watching videos and listening to music before and after class.  At the high school level I felt in water way above my head for the first few weeks.  Only being there one day a week and getting to know the students was very difficult.  I hope that in the fall I will be able to integrate the student thinking and learning, knowledge of my subject matter, and knowledge of technology more successfully. 
The next idea I related to was the one discussed on page 10 about each classroom is different and there is not perfect solution for integrating technology into your curriculum.  If you are going to integrate technology into your curriculum and classroom it must be customized.  My content area is physical education I have not seen a lot of ways to integrate technology within my pre-student teaching.  Both of my cooperating teachers have their curriculum on the school's website but there is no integration within every day class and activities.  I would like to incorporate technology into my physical education classroom and change the perception of technology in regards to physical activity.  I know there are ways to integrate the technology in to the physical education classroom and that is one of my goals in the future.